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Happy new year from Shodrex. May this new beginning usher you into greatness and beauties.

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As we begin a fresh start this new year, we wish you a smooth and pleasant journey as you continue to build and make life better for yourself, your business and your loved ones.
May this new beginning usher you into greatness and beauties.

In this new year, we will be catering more for your success with us, as together we will transform our worlds and make the internet safer for all to carry out business transactions seamlessly and more securely.

Last year was great as we have empowered our users and merchants with the latest digital tools and technologies to help aid business processes as they pioneer a great future for their business and brands and we are most excited that you are part of this great move-in Africa and the world at large.

This year, we are promising better and amazing features to scale your business and shopping experience to an era of endless possibilities. As we will be launching our very first official app which will be available on Android and IOS. Which includes all our features (E-commerce, blog store and wallet). This will be termed the biggest app launch in Africa and also a new UI/UX and even more will be rolled out just to make business transactions online more efficient and seamless.

We want to thank you for a successful 2021 and we are grateful to begin this new year 2022 with you. Following through our latest features and technologies still available to you and your business, we encourage you to take advantage of the Shodrex wallet – A financial technology that enables merchants and customers to securely transfer and receive payments in seconds within our applications for the sale of their products and services.
Marketplace - A platform where merchants and sellers can easily make their products and services visible to a pool of prospective buyers and customers.

So get on with all the beauties at your disposal and visit Shodrex to start selling and shopping at ease.
Visit www.shodrex.com today to start buying/selling seamlessly.

Cheers and talk to you soon
From all of us
Happy New Year

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