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The CEO of Shodrex Mr Johnbosco Nnamso gives the 2021 year in review and milestones for 2022

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The CEO of Shodrex Mr Johnbosco Nnamso gives the 2021 year in review and milestones for 2022, he expressed his appreciation to the Shodrex Global Community for an extraordinary and connected year ever.

He highlighted key metrics and achievements in 2021 and also some milestones to be achieved in 2022.

As COVID 19 was a major setback to many companies and individuals, he also highlighted some challenges and expressed his optimism in 2022. Shodrex is dedicated to supporting businesses and internet safety to carry out business transactions as this will help open up Africa for better market opportunities and its digital economy in the long run.

The CEO believes that together ordinary people can do extraordinary things as we work together to transform our society for a brighter future ahead.

Click on this link to watch the full video on Youtube https://youtu.be/Q9Oe7qxG1GQ

And to access these beautiful technologies and market opportunities Shodrex is offering to the world, sign up for a free website on www.shodrex.com

A happy and prosperous new year to you

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